For every performance in Time & Space Limited’s production history, there is a corresponding box containing all related original materials. For some shows, this box includes full-length, high-quality video recordings. For others, especially those from the 70’s and early 80’s when video tape was prohibitively expensive, no complete recordings exist. In these cases, the TSL archivists rely on audio tapes, silent 8mm films, photos, scripts, and stage designs to gain a complete picture of a given piece.
In 2021, a group of young archivists began editing or “remixing” these incomplete elements into short films. The goal is not to document a performance exactly as it was, but rather to interpret the themes, moods, and rhythms of the work through a new lens. Each film takes a unique approach based on the content and format of the source.
Room/Raum is an animated version of a book of drawings by Linda Mussmann, which was, in turn, based on her 1978 stage show of the same name. The piece is presented simultaneously in English and German with music composed and performed by Semih Firincioğlu.
Paper Play , a duet between Claudia Bruce and Sophie Siemens, consists of several reels of silent 8mm film, made by Linda Mussmann, which have been re-synced with a combination of newly recorded and archival sound sources.
Omaha to Ogden (Southwesterly), based on Linda Mussmann’s 1986 dance piece, is a Western travelogue which incorporates slideshows, home movies, maps, and hand-drawn stage plots, as well as narration by Claudia Bruce and music composed and performed by Semih Firincioğlu.